The Ice Cream Size Fight

March 24, 2014

ice cream lawsuit
Imagine not getting as much ice cream as you thought you were getting.

An Arizona man says that’s exactly what was happening to consumers at one major supermarket chain. In fact, he took legal action.


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71-year-old Gerald Morris filed a lawsuit last year, accusing Fry’s Food Stores and its parent company Kroger of misleading customers by posting deceptive ice cream ads. He told one Arizona TV station that customers were being cheated out of “40 percent of their purchase”.

Morris claimed he saved more than a dozen ice cream ads that all listed the wrong weight of Kroger ice cream products, resulting in thousands of customers not getting what they paid for.

Morris claims the ice cream container label says it carries 48 ounces when, it reality, it contains 26, 29, 37 or 38 ounces, depending on the flavor He says customers thought they were buying 100 percent, paying for 100 percent, but receiving only 60 percent.

For now, Morris has run into a bit of a legal roadblock in his ice cream weight fight. Last month, a small claims court judge in Tucson decided that Morris fell short in proving his case and ruled in favor of Fry’s Food Stores.

Morris says he was hoping to win his ice cream case and lead the way for other ice cream buyers from across the country to receive compensation. He says he also wanted to receive $2,500 to pay for court costs and to be reimbursed for all the ice cream he bought in the last year.

None of that has happened. Yet.

However, Morris tells an Arizona TV station the legal maneuvers may not be over just yet. He says he may file another lawsuit, this time in superior court.

Sometimes it’s easier to just enjoy great, homemade ice cream and decide not to sweat the small stuff. Like how many ounces of ice cream are in an ice cream container.

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