When people buy ice cream, it usually doesn’t take long for it to disappear. With ice cream being such a tasty treat, it is generally eaten well before the date on the container, so there is usually no concern about it spoiling or getting freezer burn. However, if you buy ice cream in bulk or are just curious about how long it will stay fresh in the freezer, here are some guidelines.
Ice cream and other dairy products usually have a “best before” date, not a “use by” or “sell by” date. Ice cream can last for two to three months beyond the date on the container. The shelf life depends on several factors, including the “best before” date, how it was prepared, and how it is stored. It will not last as long if it is not stored properly.
An unopened container of ice cream lasts for two to three months past the date, while an opened container can last for one to two months. Sherbet lasts even longer: three to four months when unopened and two to three months after it has been opened.
Ice cream can in fact spoil, although it usually does not sit around long enough for that to happen. You can prevent foodborne illness by using proper hygiene and food safety techniques.
You can tell if ice cream has gone bad by looking at it. One common sign is tiny ice shards on top of the ice cream and under the lid. In the early stages, you can remove the ice crystals and still eat the ice cream, but after it progresses the ice cream can turn into a gooey and icy mess that you do not want to eat.
You can make ice cream last longer by freezing it immediately after it is opened. Store it in a tightly sealed container to keep out moisture and contaminants. You can store ice cream in the original container or extend its shelf life by storing it in a Tupperware container.