America’s Favorite Ice Cream

August 8, 2013

With so many ice cream flavors and toppings out there, everyone has their own idea of the perfect scoop or sundae. Having said that, what do Americans as a whole prefer in their conesIce Cream ? According to a survey compiled by Think Quest, we’ve found out what most Americans choose when they order an ice cream cone.

The Flavor – As you may already know, vanilla ice cream is still America’s favorite flavor, followed closely by chocolate, which is trailed by strawberry. Even though more and more yummy flavors are being created, vanilla holds its reign as flavor king.

Toppings – When it comes to toppings, Americans like to play on the safe side. While great toppings like whipped cream, caramel, and cherries have become ice cream staples, they’re not the most sought after options. The most popular toppings in America are also the simplest: hot fudge and rainbow sprinkles. Sometimes simplicity is best, and less is always more.

Consistency – What do we mean by consistency? Ice cream comes in many varieties: There is soft serve, hard ice cream, Italian ice, and gelato, just to name a few. To date, Americans still prefer both hard and soft ice cream, which would explain the heightened popularity of ice cream parlors that serve the perfect blend of soft and hard ice cream.

So, let’s put everything we know together, shall we? By using the information collected by Think Quest, we can defer that Americans prefer a vanilla cone topped with hot fudge and sprinkles. It wouldn’t be too soft or too hard, either, but the perfect blend of both. We don’t know about you, but it sounds like you can get this perfect cone at your local Praline’s.

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