America Still Loves Ice Cream

August 12, 2015

cup ice cream

Here’s a big surprise (sarcasm alert): Americans still love ice cream.

The folks over at Yahoo Food have done a little ice cream research this week. They came up with this sweet nugget: Americans ate $8 billion worth of ice cream last year. We have not done the conversion from dollars to gallons, but we think it’s safe to say that America went through a whole lot of gallons of ice cream last year.

But do we love ice cream more than other desserts?

Is ice cream more popular than cookies?



Bundt cake?

Let’s take a look at the results of the poll conducted by Yahoo Food to determine America’s favorite dessert.

Ice cream was tops, finishing at 41%.

Cake 20%.

Cookies 11%.

Pie 11%.

Fruit 9%.

Candy 7%.

Bad news for the candy industry but, hey, are we really surprised by ice cream’s first-place finish? Of course not.

Ice cream has always been a favorite, especially during the summer. However, this is just not a seasonal treat. 56% of those surveyed say they enjoy ice cream all year round.

Part of enjoying ice cream and building sweet memories is having a favorite ice cream shop. Stop by Praline’s any time of the year and indulge in America’s favorite dessert.

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