Let’s Get Excited for Summer Ice Cream

June 3, 2015

fall ice cream

Can you feel it in the air? It’s summer ice cream season.

We are now past Memorial Day. The unofficial start of summer is here. Let’s get excited for ice cream season. Yes, we know the weather in Connecticut this first week of June feels more like March or November. Is the weather a bummer? Yes. Is the cool weather going to last? Heck no.

Summer weather will be here. Let’s get ready to dance for ice cream.
ice cream dancing

Praline’s has so many seasonal flavors that enhance the feeling and spirit of summer.

Can we talk about blueberries for a moment? Praline’s is down with blueberries. If you want to try a delicious combination of fruit and ice cream, have a taste of Blueberry Schnapps Ice Cream. The seasonal flavor from Praline’s is ice cream combined with blueberry schnapps liquor and fresh blueberries.

If you like that combo of fruit and ice cream, try the Orange Pineapple Ice Cream. It’s fruity. It’s citrusy. It’s ice cream. It’s very refreshing.

If you really want to treat yourself to an ice cream treat, take a beloved candy bar and combine it with Praline’s vanilla ice cream. Snickers® Ice Cream is the result of that combination.

There are lots of great things about summer. We don’t need to list them. You surely have your own list. Yet, we can all agree ice cream is awesome.

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